//variable initialization l_dash=1 //length of the rod in frame s' (meter) Theta_dash_degree=45 //angle of the rod with x-axis in frame s' (degree) Beta=1/2 //value of Beta //calculation of the length of the rod and its inclination with x-axis in the frame s Theta_dash_radian=Theta_dash_degree*(%pi/180); //conversion of angle Theta in radian from degree (radian) l=((l_dash^2)*((sin(Theta_dash_radian))^2+((1-(Beta^2))*((cos(Theta_dash_radian))^2))))^(1/2); //length of the rod in frame s (meter) tan_theta=tan(Theta_dash_radian)/((1-Beta^2)^(1/2)); //tan of angle of rod with x-axis in frame s theta=atand(tan_theta); //angle of rod with x-axis in frame s (degree) printf("\n\t The length of the rod = %f meter\n\t Inclination of rod with x-axis = %f degree",l,theta);