//variable initialization x=50,y=20,z=10 //x,y,z cordinates in meters(frame s) t=5*10^(-8); //time in seconds(frame s) velocity=0.6*3*10^8; //velocity of observer in s' frame relative to s in meter/second c=3*10^8; //speed of light in meter/second Beta=0.6; Gamma=1/((1-Beta^2)^(1/2)); //calculation of cordinates in s' frame xdash=Gamma*(x-(velocity*t)); //value of x cordinate in frame s' in meters ydash=y; //value of y cordinate in frame s' in meters zdash=z; //value of z cordinate in frame s' in meters tdash=Gamma*(t-((velocity*x)/(c^2))); //value of t in frame s' in seconds printf("\nValue of space time cordinates in frame s`:\n\t x`=%.2f meter\n\t y`=%.0f meter\n\t z`=%.0f meter\n\t t`=%.2e second",xdash,ydash,zdash,tdash);