//variable initialization c=3*10^8; //speed of light (meter/second) u1=0.6*c; //speed of Beta particle 1 in lab frame (meter/second) u2=-0.8*c; //speed of Beta particle 2 in lab frame (meter/second) v=u1; //velocity of frame s' where frame s' is attached to the first Beta particle (meter/second) //velocity of 2nd Beta particle relative to the 1st Beta particle(assuming frame s' is attached to the first Beta particle) u2_dash=(u2-v)/(1-((u2*v)/c^2)); //velocity of 2nd Beta particle relative to the 1st Beta particle (meter/second) printf("\n\tThe velocity of 2nd Beta particle relative to the 1st Beta particle = %.2e meter/second",u2_dash);