l=10*10^(-6); rs=5; c=0.01*10^(-6); fr0=sqrt(1-c*rs^2/l)/(2*%pi*sqrt(l*c)); x_l=2*%pi*fr0*l; disp("Part a"); r=sqrt(l/c); rmin=r-rs; disp("the minimum resistance (in Ω) to be added is"); disp(rmin); disp("Part b"); f=100*10^3; fr=sqrt(1-c*rs^2/l)/(2*%pi*sqrt(l*c)); q=fr/f; fr1=sqrt(q^2/(1+q^2))/(2*%pi*sqrt(l*c)); x_l1=2*%pi*fr1*l; q1=fr1/f; rs1=x_l1/q1; rmin1=r1-rs; disp("the resiatance (in Ω) to be added in seriesis"); disp(rmin1); disp("Part c"); rp=(rs1^2+x_l^2)/rs1; z=(rs^2+x_l^2)/rs; r2=1/(1/rp-1/z); disp("the shunting resistance (in Ω) to be connected is"); disp(r2);