r=2200; f=60; i=0.015; vp=60; disp("Part a"); vr=i*r; disp("the reading of voltmeter (in V) across the resistor is"); disp(vr); disp("Part b"); vc=vp/(2*sqrt(2)); disp("the r.m.s. voltage (in V) across the capacitor is"); disp(vc); disp("Part c"); v=sqrt(vr^2+vc^2); disp("the applied voltage (in V) is"); disp(v); disp("Part d"); deg=-atan(vc/vr)*180/%pi; disp("the phase angle (in deg) between current and applied voltage is"); disp(deg); disp("Part f"); x_c=vc/i; c=1/(2*%pi*f*x_c); disp("the capacitance (in μF) is"); disp(c*10^6);