clc(); clear; // To calculate heat loss by natural convection in a horizontal nominal steam pipe D=0.375; // Outer diameter in ft T1=200; // Pipe surface temperature in degF T2=70; // Air temperature in degF Tf=(T1+T2)/2; // Film temperature at whih physical properties is to be measured delT=T1-T2; rho=0.0667/32.2; // Density in slug/ft^3 u=0.0482/32.2; // Viscosity in slug/ft-hr b=1/(460+T2 ); Cp=0.241*32.2; // Heat capacity in Btu/slug-ft // The value of specific heat is related to 1 lb mass so it must be multiplied to 32.2 to convert it into slugs k=0.0164; // Thermal conductivity in Btu/hr-ft-degF g=32.2*3600; // Unit of time used is hour so it must be converted to sec. Hence 3600 is multiplied Ngr=D^3*rho^2*b*g*delT/(u^3); // Grasshops number Npr=u*Cp/k; // Prandtls number A=log(Ngr*Npr); // Tha value of A is 6.866 // Now seeing the value of nusselt number from the table Nnu=25.2; // Nusselt number h=Nnu*k/D; // Heat transfer coefficient q=h*delT; // Heat loss per unit area in Btu/hr printf("Heat loss per unit square foot is %d Btu/hr-ft^2",q);