// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-9,Example 2,Page 313 //Title: Volumes to be mixed //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT V=3;//volume of mixture to be prepared in m^3 per_ethanol=60;//mole percent of ethanol in a ethanol-water system per_water=40;//mole percent of water in a ethanol-water system v1=57.5*10^-6;//partial molar volume of ethanol in the ethanol-water system in m^3/mol v2=16*10^-6;//partial molar volume of water in the ethanol-water system in m^3/mol v1_pure=57.9*10^-6;//molar volume of pure ethanol in m^3/mol v2_pure=18*10^-6;//molar volume of pure water in m^3/mol //CALCULATION X1=per_ethanol/100;//calculation of the mole fraction of ethanol (no unit) X2=per_water/100;//calculation of the mole fraction of water (no unit) v=(X1*v1)+(X2*v2);//calculation of the molar volume of the solution using Eq.(9.10) in m^3/mol N=V/v;//calculation of the mole number of solution required in mol N1=N*X1;//calculation of the mole number of ethanol in solution in mol N2=N*X2;//calculation of the mole number of water in solution in mol V1=N1*v1_pure;//calculation of the volume of pure ethanol required in m^3 V2=N2*v2_pure;//calculation of the volume of pure water required in m^3 //OUTPUT mprintf("\n The volume of pure ethanol required = %0.3f m^3\n",V1); mprintf("\n The volume of pure water required = %0.3f m^3\n",V2); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================