// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-5,Example 8,Page 172 //Title: Entropy change //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT P=0.101325;//pressure in the piston cylinder assembly in MPa T1=300;//temperature of the piston cylinder assembly in K T2=400;//final temperature of the piston cylinder assembly in K a=45.369;//coefficients to compute isobaric molar heat capacity of CO2(g) in J/molK b=8.688*10^-3;//coefficients to compute isobaric molar heat capacity of CO2(g) in J/molK e=-9.619*10^5;//coefficients to compute isobaric molar heat capacity of CO2(g) in J/molK //Cpo for CO2(g) is given as a+bT+eT^-2 //CALCULATION del_S=(a*log(T2/T1))+(b*(T2-T1))-((e/2)*((1/T2^2)-(1/T1^2)));//calculation of entropy change for the constant pressure expansion in J/molK //OUTPUT mprintf("\n The change in entropy of CO2=%f J/molK\n",del_S); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM=================================================== //DISCLAIMER: THE AUTHOR HAS NOT DIVIDED 'e' IN THE INTEGRATED EXPRESSION USED TO COMPUTE del_S BY 2, WHICH IS AN ERROR.THE INTEGRATION OF (eT^-3)dT IS -(e/2)*T^-2 THIS ERROR HAS BEEN RECTIFIED IN THIS PROGRAM.