// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-5,Example 4,Page 166 //Title: Minimum work and maximum possible COP //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT T_L=4.25;//normal boiling point of helium in K Q_L=0.083;//latent heat of vaporization of helium in kJ/mol n=1;//amount of liquid helium to be produced in kmol T_amb=42;//ambient temperature in summer in degree celsius //CALCULATION T_H=T_amb+273.15;//conversion of temperature in K COP=(T_L)/(T_H-T_L);//calculation of COP of the refrigerator using Eq.(5.20)(no unit) W=(Q_L)/COP;//calculation of work to be done on the refrigerator unit using Eq.(5.20) in kJ //OUTPUT mprintf("\n The maximum possible COP of the unit=%0.4f \n",COP); mprintf("\n The minimum amount of work to be done on the refrigerating unit=%f kJ \n",W); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================