// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-5,Example 20,Page 187 //Title: Power consumed by the pump //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT Ti=30;//temperature of saturated liquid water in degree celsius m=500;//mass flow rate of water being pumped in kg/s P2=3;//preesure maintained in the boiler in MPa n_p=0.75;//isentropic efficiency of the pump (no unit) //CALCULATION //For saturated liquid water at Ti vf=0.0010043;//specific volume in m^3/kg P1=4.241;//pressure in kPa //Assuming that the liquid is incompressible, the power input required for an isentropic pump is calculated as: Ws_m=(vf*((P2*10^6)-(P1*10^3)))*10^-3;//power input required by the isentropic pump in kJ/kg Ws_act_m=Ws_m/n_p;//power input required by an actual pump in kJ/kg P=((Ws_act_m*10^3)*m)*10^-6;//calculation of the total power consumed by the pump in MW //OUTPUT mprintf("\n The power consumed by the pump = %d MW\n",P); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================