// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-5,Example 17,Page 183 //Title: Device and its feasibility //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT T_i=150;//temperature of saturated steam taken up by the device in degree celsius T_e=200;//temperature of superheated steam delivered by the device in degree celsius P_e=0.2;//pressure of superheated steam delivered by the device in MPa me2=0.949;//mass of superheated steam leaving the device in kg me1=0.051;//mass of saturated liquid leaving the device in kg T_liq=100;//temperature of saturated liquid leaving the device in degree celsius mi=1;//mass of saturated steam fed to the device in kg //CALCULATION //From steam tables corresponding to T_i hi=2745.4//enthalpy of saturated vapour in kJ/kg si=6.8358;//entropy of saturated vapour in kJ/kgK //For saturated liquid at T_liq he1=419.06;//enthalpy of saturated liquid in kJ/kg se1=1.3069;//entropy of saturated vapour in kJ/kgK //For superheated steam at P_e and T_e he2=2870.5;//enthalpy of superheated steam in kJ/kg se2=7.5072;//entropy of superheated steam in kJ/kgK //Test to see if the device obeys the first law of thermodynamics //Application of the first law of thermodynamics to the flow device gives: mi*hi=(me1*he1)+(me2*he2) LHS=mi*hi; RHS=(me1*he1)+(me2*he2); //Test to see if the device obeys the second law of thermodynamics //Application of the second law of thermodynamics to the flow device gives: (Ne1*se1)+(Ne2*se2)-(Ni*si)>|0 S_G=(me1*se1)+(me2*se2)-(mi*si); //OUTPUT mprintf("\n The LHS of the equation applied to the flow device to check if the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied= %0.1f kJ\n",LHS); mprintf("\n The RHS of the equation applied to the flow device to check if the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied=%0.1f kJ\n",RHS); mprintf("\n The entropy generated by applying the second law of thermodynamics to the flow device=%0.4f kJ/kgK\n",S_G); if int(LHS)== int(RHS)& S_G>0 | S_G==0 then mprintf("\n As the first and second law of thermodynamics are satisfied, the device is theoretically feasible \n"); else mprintf("\n As both the first and second law or either the first or second law of thermodynamics are not satisfied, the device is not feasible \n"); end //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================