// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-4,Example 10,Page 105 //Title:Final temperature //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT N=100;//number of moles of carbon dioxide in mol T1=298;//initial temperature in K Q=1;//energy added as heat in MJ a=45.369;//coefficient in the specific heat capacity expression where Cp=a+bT+eT^-2 b=8.688*10^-3;//coefficient in the specific heat capacity expression where Cp=a+bT+eT^-2 e=-9.619*10^5;//coefficient in the specific heat capacity expression where Cp=a+bT+eT^-2 //Where Cp is in J/molK //CALCULATION delh=Q*10^6/N;//calculation of enthalpy in J Tguess=520;//The final temperature guess value in K used for solving the system of equations //The system of equations are defined by : //T2=T1+(delh/Cpm)--->A //Cpm=a+(b*Tm)+(e/T1T2)--->B Cpm_guess=a+(b*((T1+Tguess)/2))+(e/(T1*Tguess));//calculation of Cpm guess (in J/molK) to be used to determine T2 from Equation A T2_guess=T1+(delh/Cpm_guess);//calculation of T2 using Equation A (in K) based on the value of Cpm guess computed using Equation B tolerance=1e-6;//defining the tolerance limit to obtain convergence while abs(T2_guess-Tguess)>tolerance Tguess=T2_guess; Cpm_guess=a+(b*((T1+Tguess)/2))+(e/(T1*Tguess)); T2_guess=T1+(delh/Cpm_guess);//the iteration process to solve the system of equations end T2=T2_guess;//value of the final temperature of CO2 obtained upon solving the system of equations(A and B) in K //OUTPUT mprintf('\n The final temperature= %0.1f K\n',T2); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================