// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-3,Example 3,Page 49 //Title:Volume ratio //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT T=100;//temperature inside the vessel in degree celsius V=0.00317;//specific volume of water at the critical point in m^3/kg vf=0.0010437;//molar volume of saturated liquid in m^3/kg vg=1.673;//molar volume of saturated vapour in m^3/kg //CALCULATION X=(V-vf)/(vg-vf);//calculation of the quality of wet steam using Eq.(3.3) (no unit) ratio=(X*vg)/((1-X)*vf);//calculation of volume ratio of saturated vapour to the saturated liquid (no unit) //OUTPUT mprintf('\n The volume ratio of saturated vapour to the saturated liquid= %0.2f \n',ratio); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================