// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-3,Example 11,Page 72 //Title:Volume using two paramter and three parameter compressibility factor correlation //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT T=409.41;//temperature of n-octane in degree celsius P=4.98;//pressure in bar Tc=569.4;//critical temperature of n-octane in K Pc=24.97;//critical pressure of n-octane in bar w=0.398;//acentric factor (no unit) R=8.314;//universal gas constant in (Pa m^3)/(mol K) //CALCULATION Tr=(T+273.15)/Tc;//calculation of reduced temperature (no unit) Pr=P/Pc;//calculation of reduced pressure (no unit) z0=0.96;//value of compressibilty factor at tr and pr obtained from Fig.3.11 V1=(z0*R*(T+273.15))/(P*10^5);//calculation of volume in m^3/mol using the two parameter compressibilty factor correlation z1=0.01;//value of compressibilty factor at tr and pr obtained from Fig.3.12 z=z0+(w*z1);//calculation of compressibility factor using Eq.3.64 V2=(z*R*(T+273.15))/(P*10^5);//calculation of volume in m^3/mol using the three parameter compressibility factor correlation //OUTPUT mprintf('\n The volume occupied by n-octane obtained by the two parameter compressibilty factor correlation= %f m^3/mol\n',V1); mprintf('\n The volume occupied by n-octane obtained by the three parameter compressibility factor correlation= %f m^3/mol\n',V2); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================