// Y.V.C.Rao ,1997.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.Universities Press,Hyderabad,India. //Chapter-3,Example 10,Page 67 //Title:Acentric factor //================================================================================================================ clear clc //INPUT T=180;//temperature of water in degree celsius P=1.0027;//saturation pressure of water in MPa Tc=647.3;//critical temperature of water in K Pc=221.2;//critical pressure of water in bar Tr=0.7;//reduced temperature at which acentric factor was defined by Pitzer //CALCULATION T1=Tr*Tc;//calculating temperature in K using reduced temperature value T1=T1-273.15;//conversion to degree celsius Pr=(P*10)/Pc;//calculation of reduced pressure (no unit) using saturation pressure at t1. In this case t1 equals t, therefore the given saturation pressure is taken w=-log10(Pr)-1.0;//calculation of acentric factor using Eq.(3.62) ////OUTPUT mprintf('\n The acentric factor of water= %f \n',w); //===============================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================