//ex7.12 R_1=2.2*10^6; R_2=R_1; V_DD=8; R_S=3.3*10^3; V_GS=(R_2/(R_1+R_2))*V_DD; //FOR I_D=0A V_G=V_GS; disp(V_GS,'V_GS in Volts, at I_D=0A') I_D=(V_G-0)/R_S; //FOR V_GS=0V disp(I_D,'I_D in Amperes,at V_GS=0V') disp('Plotting load line using the value of V_GS=4V at I_D=0 and I_D=1.2mA at V_GS=0V, we find the intersection of load line with transfer characteristic to get Q-point values of V_GS=-1.8V and I_D=1.8mA')