//ex10.4 A_v_mid=100; //At 1Hz frequency,voltage gain is 3 dB less than at midrange. At -3dB, the voltage is reduced by a factor of 0.707 A_v=0.707*A_v_mid; disp(A_v,'actual voltage gain at 1Hz frequency') //At 100Hz frequency,voltage gain is 20 dB less than at critical frequency (f_c ). At -20dB, the voltage is reduced by a factor of 0.1 A_v=0.1*A_v_mid; disp(A_v,'actual voltage gain at 100Hz frequency') //At 10Hz frequency,voltage gain is 40 dB less than at critical frequency (f_c). At -40dB, the voltage is reduced by a factor of 0.01 A_v=0.01*A_v_mid; disp(A_v,'actual voltage gain at 10Hz frequency')