//Problem 42.03: The nominal impedance of a low-pass pi section filter is 500 ohm and its cut-off frequency is at 100 kHz. Determine (a) the value of the characteristic impedance of the section at a frequency of 90 kHz, and (b) the value of the characteristic impedance of the equivalent low-pass T section filter. //initializing the variables: R0 = 500; // in ohm fc = 100000; // in Hz f = 90000; // in Hz //calculation: //characteristic impedance of the pi section Zpi = R0/(1 - (f/fc)^2)^0.5 //characteristic impedance of the T section Zt = R0*(1 - (f/fc)^2)^0.5 printf("\n\n Result \n\n") printf("\ncharacteristic impedance of the pi section is %.0f ohm",Zpi) printf("\ncharacteristic impedance of the T section is %.0f ohm",Zt)