//Problem 25.01: Determine the admittance, conductance and susceptance of the following impedances: (a)-i5 ohm, (b)25+i40 ohm, (c)3-i2 ohm, (d)50/_40°ohm. //initializing the variables: Z1 = 0 - %i*5; // in ohms Z2 = 25 + %i*40; // in ohms Z3 = 3 - %i*2; // in ohms r4 = 50; // in ohms theta4 = 40; // in degrees //calculation: //admittance Y Y1 = 1/Z1 //conductance, G G1 = real(Y1) //Suspectance, Bc Bc1 = abs(imag(Y1)) //admittance Y Y2 = 1/Z2 //conductance, G G2 = real(Y2) //Suspectance, Bc Bc2 = abs(imag(Y2)) //admittance Y Y3 = 1/Z3 //conductance, G G3 = real(Y3) //Suspectance, Bc Bc3 = abs(imag(Y3)) Z4 = r4*cos(theta4*%pi/180) + %i*r4*sin(theta4*%pi/180) //admittance Y Y4 = 1/Z4 //conductance, G G4 = real(Y4) //Suspectance, Bc Bc4 = abs(imag(Y4)) printf("\n\n Result \n\n") printf("\n (a)admittance Y is (%.0f + (%.1f)i) S,conductance, G is %.0f S, susceptance,Bc is %.1f S ",real(Y1), imag(Y1),G1,Bc1) printf("\n (b)admittance Y is (%.4f + (%.4f)i) S, conductance, G is %.4f S, susceptance,Bc is %.4f S ",real(Y2), imag(Y2),G2, Bc2) printf("\n (c)admittance Y is (%.3f + (%.3f)i) S, conductance, G is %.3f S, susceptance,Bc is %.3f S ",real(Y3), imag(Y3),G3,Bc3) printf("\n (d)admittance Y is (%.4f + (%.4f)i) S, conductance, G is %.4f S, susceptance,Bc is %.4f S ",real(Y4), imag(Y4),G4,Bc4)