//Problem 23.03: Solve the following complex equations: //(a) 3(a + ib) = 9-i2 //(b) (2+i)(-2+i) = x+iy //(c) (a-i(2b))+(b-i3a) = 5+i2 //initializing the variables: Z1 = 9 - 2*%i; Z2 = 2 + 1*%i; Z3 = -2 + 1*%i; Z4 = 5 + 2*%i; //calculation: za = Z1/3 zb = Z2*Z3 zca = (2*real(Z4) + imag(Z4))/-1 zcb = real(Z4) - zca zaa = real(za) zab = imag(za) zbx = real(zb) zby = imag(zb) printf("\n\n Result \n\n") printf("\n (a)a and b are %.0f and %.2f resp.", zaa,zab) printf("\n (b)x and y are %.0f and %.0f resp.", zbx,zby) printf("\n (c)a and b are %.0f and %.0f resp.", zca,zcb)