//Problem 23.01: In an electrical circuit the total impedance ZT is given by ZT = (Z1*Z2/(Z1 + Z2))+ Z3. Determine ZT in (a + jb) form, correct to two decimal places, when Z1 = 5 - j3, Z2 = 4 - i7 and Z3 = 3.9 - i6.7. //initializing the variables: Z1 = 5 - 3*%i; Z2 = 4 + 7*%i; Z3 = 3.9 - 6.7*%i; //calculation: ZT = (Z1*Z2/(Z1 + Z2))+ Z3 y = imag(ZT) x = real(ZT) printf("\n\n Result \n\n") printf("\n ZT is %.2f + (%.2f)i", x,y)