//Problem 21.06: A d.c. generator running at 30 rev/s generates an e.m.f. of 200 V. Determine the percentage increase in the flux per pole required to generate 250 V at 20 rev/s. //initializing the variables: n1 = 30; // in rev/sec E1 = 200; // in Volts n2 = 20; // in rev/sec E2 = 250; // in Volts //calculation: //generated e.m.f., E proportional to phi*w and since w = 2*pi*n, then // E proportional to phi*n // E1/E2 = Phi1*n1/(Phi2*n2) // let Phi2/Phi1 = Phi Phi = E2*n1/(E1*n2) Phi_inc = (Phi - 1)*100 ///in percent printf("\n\n Result \n\n") printf("\n percentage increase in the flux per pole is %.1f percent ",Phi_inc)