//data in question //noise power at Th=290 K(dBm) P1=-70 Th=290 //noise power at Tc=77 K(dBm) P2=-75 Tc=77 //given noise temperature(K) Ts=450 //frequency band B B=1.5*10^9-500*10^6 //power gain of amplifier(10dB=10) G=10 //boltzamn constant k=1.38*10^(-23) //data print printf("\nP1=-70 dBm at Th=290 K\tP2=-75 dBm at Tc=77 K \tTs=450 K G=10\n") //equation and result printf("\nresult:-") //Y-factor(Y=P1/P2 = (P1-P2)dBm) Y=10^((P1-P2)/10) printf("\n Y-factor = 10^((P1-P2)/10) = %.4f",Y) //equivalent noise temperature Te=(Th-Y*Tc)/(Y-1) printf("\nequivalent noise temperature\nTe=(Th-Y*Tc)/(Y-1)=%.2f K",Te) //noise power output of amplifier Po=G*k*Ts*B+G*k*Te*B printf("\nnoise power output\nPo=G*k*Ts*B+G*k*Te*B=%.4e W",Po) printf(" = %.4f dBm\n",10*log10(Po*1000))