printf("\n\t(a) Find the noise figure of this cascaded system.") printf("\n\t(b) What would be the noise figure if the amplifier were placed before the transmission line?\n") // data in question //ambient temperature(K) Te=300 To=290 //noise temperature of amplifier(K) Ta=150 k=1.38*10^-23 //band width(Hz) B=100*10^6 //gain of amplifier Gamp=10^(15/10) // for transmission lines Gline=1/10^0.2 //data print printf("\nTe=300K\tTa=150K\tB=100MHz\tGamp=15dB\tattenuation=2dB\n") //equations and result printf("\nresult:-") //noise factor for amplifier Famp=1+Ta/To printf("\nFamp=1+Ta/To") //noise for transmission lines Fline=1+(1/Gline-1)*Te/To printf("\nFline=1+(1/Gline-1)*Te/To") Fcascaded=Fline+(Famp-1)/Gline printf("\n(a)noise figure of cascaded system\n\tFcascaded=Fline+(Famp-1)/Gline = %.4f",Fcascaded) printf(" = %.4f dB",10*log10(Fcascaded)) Fcascaded=Famp+(Fline-1)/Gamp printf("\n(b)if the amplifier is connected before the line\n\tFcascaded=Famp+(Fline-1)/Gamp = %.4f",Fcascaded) printf(" = %.4f dB",10*log10(Fcascaded))