clear; clc; printf("\t Example 7.2\n"); //part(i) a1=229.7; //solubility at 60 degree a2=174.7; //solubility at 60 degree t1=68; // percentage of sodium nitrate t2=30.34; x1=a1/329.7 *100; //percentage of saturated solution at 50 degree tw=(t1/32)/(x1/t2); //the percentage saturation printf("\nthe percentage saturation is :%f percent",tw*100); //part(ii) //let x be the weight of Cesium chloride crystal formed after crystallisation x=poly([0],'x'); //calc. x the weight of crystal t=roots(1000*.68-(x+(1000-x)*174.7/274.7)); printf("\n the weight of CaCl2 crystal formed after crystallisation :%f kg",t); //part(iii) yield=t/680; //yield = weight of CaCl2 crystal formed/weight of CaCl2 printf("\n the percentage yield of Cesium chloride is:%f percent",yield*100); //end