clear; clc; //Example7.6[Cooling of a Steel Ball by Forced Air] //Given:- rho=8055;//[kg/m^3] Cp=480;//[J/ Celcius] To=300;//Temp of oven[degree Celcius] Ta=25;//Temp of air[degree Celcius] va=3;//Velocity of air[m/s] Ts=200;//Dropped temp of surface of ball[degree Celcius] Ts_avg=(Ts+To)/2;//[degree Celcius] d=0.25;//[m] mu_s=2.76*10^(-5);//Dynamic Viscosity at average surface temperature[kg/m.s] //Properties of air at 25 degree Celcius k=0.02551;//[W/ Celcius] nu=1.562*10^(-5);//kinematic viscosity[m^2/s] mu=1.849*10^(-5);//Dynamic viscosity of air at 25 degree C[kg/m.s] //Solution:- Re=va*d/nu;//[Reynolds Number] Nu=2+[(0.4*(Re^(1/2)))+(0.06*(Re^(2/3)))]*(Pr^(0.4))*((mu/mu_s)^(1/4)); disp(ceil(Nu),"The Nusselt number is") h=k*Nu/d;//[W/m^ Celcius] As=%pi*(d^2);//[m^2] Q_avg=h*As*(Ts_avg-Ta);//[W] disp("W",ceil(Q_avg),"The average rate of heat transfer from Newtons Law of cooling is") m=rho*%pi*(d^3)/6;//[kg] Q_total=m*Cp*(To-Ts);//[J] disp("J",Q_total,"The total heat transferred from the ball is") delta_t=Q_total/Q_avg;//[s] disp("hour",delta_t/3600,"The time of cooling is")