clear; clc; //Example7.3[Cooling of Plastic Sheets by Forced Air] //Given:- T_p=95;//Temp of plastic Sheet[degree Celcius] T_air=25;//Temp of air[degree Celcius] v=3;//Velocity of flowing air[m/s] L=0.6;//Length of plastic sheet[m] w=1.2;//width[m] k=0.02808;//[W/ Celcius] Pr=0.7202;//Prandtl Number nu=1.896*10^(-5);//[m^2/s] rho=1200;//[kg/m^3] Cp=1700;//[J/ Celcius] vp=(9/60);//Velocity of moving plastic[m/s] tp=0.001;//Thickness of plastic[m] ReC=5*10^5;//Crictical Reynolds Number e=0.9;//emissivity //Solution(a) L1=2*L;//Considering both sides of plastic sheet[m] ReL1=v*L1/nu;//Reynolds number if(ReL1