clear; clc; //Example6.2[Finding Convection Coefficient from Drag Measurement] //Given:- //Properties of air rho=1.204;//[kg/m^3] Cp=1007;//[J/kg.K] Pr=0.7309;//Prandtl number w=2;//Width of plate[m] L=3;//Characteristic length of plate[m] v=7;//velocity of air[m/s] Fd=0.86;//Total grag force[N] //Solution:- As=2*w*L;//Since both sides of plate are exposed to air flow[m^2] //For flat plates drag force is equivalent to friction coefficient Cf Cf=Fd/(rho*As*(v^2)/2); h=(Cf*rho*v*Cp)/(2*(Pr^(2/3)));//[W/m^ Celcius] disp("respectively","W/m^ Celcius",h,"and",Cf,"Friction Factor and average heat transfer coefficient are")