clear; clc; //Example3.5[Contact Reistance of Transistors] //Given:- k=386;//Thermal Conductivity of Copper[W/m.K] hc=42000;//Contact Conductance coreesponding to copper-aluminium interface for the case of 1.17-1.4 micron roughness and 5MPa[pressure, which is close to given to what we have[W/m^2.K] Ac=.0008;//Contact area b/w the case and the plate[m^2] A=0.01;//Plate area for each resistor[m^2] L=0.01;//Thickness of plate[m] ho=25;//Heat tranfer coefficient for back surface T_1=20;//Ambient Temperature[degree Celcius] T_2=70;//Maximum temperature of case[degree Celcius] //Solution:- //Resistances Offered R_interface=1/(hc*Ac);//Resistance offered at the copper aluminium interface[degree Cecius/W] R_plate=L/(k*A);//conduction resistance offered by coppr plate[degree Cecius/W] R_conv=1/(ho*A);//Convection resistance offerd by back surface of casing[degree Cecius/W] R_total=R_interface+R_plate+R_conv;//[degree Cecius/W] disp("degree Cecius/W",R_total,"The total thermal Tesistance is") Q_=(T_2-T_1)/R_total;//[W] disp("W",Q_,"The rate of heat transferred is") delta_T=Q_*R_interface;//[degree Celcius] disp("degree Celcius",delta_T,"The temperature jump at the interface is given by")