clear; clc; //Example3.13[Heat Loss from Buried Steam Pipes] //Given:- T_esurf=10;//Surface temperatur of earth[degree Celcius] T_psurf=80;//Outer surface temperature of pipe[degree Celcius] k_soil=0.9//Thermal Conductivity of soil[W/ Celcius] L=30;//Length of pipe[m] D=0.1;//Diameter of pipe[m] z=0.5;//Depth at which pipe is kept[m] //Solution:- //Calculating shape factor if(z>(1.5*D))then S=(2*%pi*L)/(log((4*z)/D)), end;//[m] disp(S,"Shape factor is") Q_=S*k_soil*(T_psurf-T_esurf);//[W] disp("W",Q_,"The steady rate of heat transfer from the pipe is")