clear; clc; //Example3.12[Effect of fins on Heat transfer from steam pipes] //Given:- k_fin=180;//thermal conductivity of aluminium alloy fins[W/ Celcius] D_tout=0.03;//Outer diameter of tube[m] D_fout=0.06;//Outer diameter of circular fins[m] t=0.002;//thickness of fin[m] s=0.003;//distance between fins attached to the tube[m] n=200;//number of fins per meter of tube L=1;//length of tube[m] T_surr=25;//Surrounding temperature[degree Celcius] T_wall=120;//Temperature of wall of the tube[degree Celcius] h=60;//Combined heat transfer coefficient[W/m^ Celcius] //Solution:- disp("In case of no fins") A_nf=%pi*D_tout*L;//Area of tube with no fins attached[m^2] //Using Newton's Law of cooling Q_nf=h*A_nf*(T_wall-T_surr);//[W] disp("W",Q_nf,"Rate of heat transfer when no finis attached") //The efficiency of the circular fins attached to a circular tube is plotted in Fig 3.43 L_fin=(D_fout-D_tout)/2;//[m] //In this case we have following corrected parameters r2c=(D_fout+t)/2;//[m] Lc=L_fin+(t/2);//[m] Ap=Lc*t;//[m^2] r=r2c/(D_tout/2); alpha=(Lc*sqrt(Lc))*sqrt(h/(k_fin*Ap));//efficiency disp(alpha) //for above value of alpha efficiency is found out from the plot in fig 3.43 neta=0.96; A_f=2*%pi*((r2c^2)-((D_tout/2)^2));//Area of tube with fins attached to it[m^2] Q_f_max=h*A_f*(T_wall-T_surr);//maximum rate of heat transfer[W] Q_f=neta*Q_f_max;//Heat transfer through tube with fins is efficiency times the maximum rate of heat transfer[W] disp("W",Q_f,"Heat transfer due to the finned tube") //From unfinned portion A_uf=%pi*D_tout*s;//Unfinned area between two consecutive fins[m^2] Q_uf=h*A_uf*(T_wall-T_surr);//[W] disp("W",Q_uf,"Heat transfer from the unfinned portion of the tube is") //Since there are 200 fins per meter of the tube hence 200 interfin spacing Q_tf=n*(Q_f+Q_uf);//[W] disp("W",Q_tf,"The total Heat transfer from the finned tube is") Q_increase=Q_tf-Q_nf;//[W] disp("W",Q_increase,"The increase in heat transfer from the tube per meter of length as a result of the addition of fins is") eff=Q_tf/Q_nf;//Effectiveness disp(eff,"The rate of heat transfer from the steam tube increases by a factor of") disp("as a result of adding fins")