clear; clc; //Example2.2[Heat Generation in a Hair Dryer] //Given:- E_gen=1200;//[Total rate of heat generation] L=80;//Length of wire[cm] D=0.3;//Diameter of wire[cm] //Solution:- V_wire=%pi*(D^2)*L/4;//Volume of the wire[cm^3] e_gen=E_gen/V_wire;//[W/cm^3] As=%pi*D*L;//Suface Area of wire[m^2] Q_=E_gen/As;//[W/cm^2] disp("W/cm^2",Q_,"and","W/cm^3",round(e_gen),"The rate of heat generation in the wire per unit volume and heat flux on the outer surface of the wire as a result of this heat generation are respectively")