clear; clc; //Example2.14[Heat Conduction in a Solar Heated Wall] //Given:- L=0.06;//Thickness of wall[m] k=1.2;//Thermal Conductivity[W/ Celcius] e=0.85;//Emissivity a=0.26;//Solar absorptivity T1=300;//Temp of Inner surface of Wall[K] q_solar=800;//Incident rate of solar radiation[W/m^2] T_space=0;//Temp of outer space[K] //Solution:- //Integrating results into function[f]=temp(T) f(1)=(((a*q_solar)-(e*5.67*10^(-8)*T(1)^4))*(L/k))+T1-T(1); deff('[f]=temp(T)',['f_1(T)=(((a*q_solar)-(e*5.67*10^(-8)*T(1)^4))*(L/k))+T1-T(1)']) endfunction x0=[1] [xs,fxs,m]=fsolve(x0',temp); disp("K",xs,"The outer surface temperature is ") //First execute the program with x0=[1] then [xs,fxs,m]=fsolve(x0',temp) then re-execute to obtain correct output as for 1st exeution 'xs' is undefined q=k*(T1-xs)/L; disp("W/m^2",round(q),"The steady rate of heat conduction through the wall is")