clear; clc; //Example2.13[Heat Conduction in the Base Plate of an Iron] //Given:- k=15;//[W/ Celcius] A=300*10^(-4);//Base Area[m^2] L=0.005;//Thickness[m] T_surr=20;//Temp of surrounding[degree Celcius] h=80;//Convection het transfer coefficient[W/m^ Celcius] Q=1200;//[W] //Solution:- q=Q/A;//[W/m^2] disp("W/m^2",q,"Uniform Heat Flux to whicj inner surface of the base plate is subjected") //Integration Constants C1=-q/k; C2=T_surr+(q/h)+(q*L/k); T_0=T_surr+q*((L/k)+(1/h));//[degree Celcius] T_L=T_surr+q*(1/h);//[degree Celcius] disp("respectively","degree Celcius",T_L,"and","degree Celcius",round(T_0),"The temperatures at the inner and outer surfaces of the plate i.e. at x=0 and x=L are")