clear; clc; //Example2.11[Heat Conduction in a Plane Wall] //Given:- k_wall=1.2;//Thermal conductivity of wall[W/ Celcius] L=0.2;//Thickness of wall[m] As=15;//Surface area[m^2] T1=120,T2=50;//The two sides of the wall are maintained at these constant temperatures[degree Celcius] //Solution (a) disp("Differential equation can be expressed as d^2(T)/(dx^2)=0") disp("with boundary conditions ") disp("degree Celcius",T1,"T(0)=T1=") disp("degree Celcius",T2,"T(L)=T2=") disp("integrating this we get,") disp("dT/dx=C1", ,"where C1 is an arbitrary constant") disp("integrating we obtain temperature to follow following relation :-") disp("and substituting values in above equation","T(x)=((T2-T1)/L)*x+T1 ") T3=(((T2-T1)/L)*(0.1))+T1; disp("degree Celcius",T3,"The value of temperature at x=0.1m is") Q_wall=-k_wall*As*((T2-T1)/L);//[W] disp("W",Q_wall,"The rate of heat conduction through the wall is")