clear; clc; printf("\t Example 7.6\n"); Tbin=290; //inlet bulk temp.,K v=1; //speed of air, m/s a=0.09; //area of steel,m^2 l=15; //length of duct running outdoors through awarm air,m To=310; //temp. of warm air,K h=5; //heat transfer coefficient due to natural convection and thermal radiation. Dh=0.3; //hydraulic diameter,m Re=v*Dh/(1.578*10^-5); //reynolds Tbin Pr=0.713; //prandtl no. f=1/(1.82/2.303*log(Re)-1.64)^2; // formula for friction factor for smooth pipes Nu=(f/8*Re*Pr)/(1.07+12.7*(f/8)^(0.5)*(Pr^(2/3)-1)); //formula for nusselt fully developed flow in smooth pipes h=Nu*0.02623/Dh; // convective heat transfer coefficient,W/(m^2)/K //the remaining problem is to find the bulk temperature change.the thin metal duct wall offers little thermal ressistance, but convection ressistance outside the duct must be considered. U=(1/4.371+1/5)^-1; //U=1/Ain*(1/(h*A)in+1/(h*A)out)^-1 Tbout=(To-Tbin)*(1-exp(-U*4*l/(1.217*v*1007*Dh)))+Tbin; //outlet bulk temp., K Tbt1=Tbout-273; printf("\t outside bulk temp. change is : %.1f C\n",Tbt1); //end