clear; clc; printf("\t Example 7.3\n"); m=21.5; //mass flow rate, kg/s e=260*10^-6; //wall roughness,m D=0.12; //diameter of pipe, m T1=363; //pipe temperature,K T2=323; //bulk temp. of fluid,K a=977; //density, kg/m^3 u=m/(a*3.14*(D/2)^2); //average velocity,m/s Re=u*D/(4.07*10^-7); //reynolds no. Uw=3.1*10^-4; // wall side viscosity,N*s/m^2 Ub=5.38*10^-4; //bulk viscosity, N*s/m^2 Pr=2.47; //prandtl no. f=1/(1.8/2.303*log(6.9/Re+(e/D/3.7)^1.11))^2; //friction factor from haaland equation. Re1=Re*e/D*(f/8)^0.5; //roughness reynols no. Nu=(f/8)*Re*Pr/(1+(f/8)^0.5*(4.5*Re1^(0.2)*Pr^(0.5)-8.48)); //correlation for local nusselt no. h=Nu*0.661/D/1000; //convection heat transfer coefficient, kW/(m^2*K) printf("\t correlation friction factor is :%.5f\n",f); printf("\t convection heat transfer coefficient is :%.1f kw/(m^2*K)\n",h); printf("\t in this case wall roughness causes a factor of 1.8 increase in h and a factor of 2 increase in f and the pumping power.we have omitted the variable properties hre as they were developed for smooth walled pipes.") //end