clear; clc; printf("\t Example 7.2\n"); T1 = 300; // air temp.,K T2=313; // final air temp.,K v=2; // air velocity,m/s D=0.01; // inner diameter of pipe,m l=0.2; // length surrounded by heater Red=v*D/(16.4*10^-6); // reynolds no. Pr=0.711; // prandtl no. G=Red*Pr*D/l; // graetz no. Q=1.159*1004*v*(T2-T1)*(1/80); // power input, W/m^2 printf("\t power input is : %.0f W/m^2\n",Q); Tex=T2+Q*D/(5.05*0.0266) // wall temp. at the exit,K Tex1=Tex-273.1; printf("\t wall temp. at the exit is: %.1f C\n",Tex1); //end