clear ; clc; printf("\t Example 11.3\n"); T1=276; //temp.of air,K aa=3.711; //lennard jones constant or collision diameter,A ab=2.827; //lennard jones constant or collision diameter,A b1=78.6; //lennard jones constant,K b2=59.7; //lennard jones constant,K a=(aa+ab)/2; //effective molecular diameter for collisions of hydrogen and air,m b=(b1*b2)^0.5; //effective potential well depth,K c=T1/b; d=0.8822; //potential well function Dab=1.8583*10^-7*T1^1.5/(a^2*d)*(1/2.016+1/28.97)^0.5; //diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in air,m^2/s printf("\t diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in air is :% -5e m^2/s an experimental value from table is 6.34*10^-5 m^2/s,so the prediction is high by 5 percent.\n",Dab); //end