clear; clc; printf("\t Example 10.8\n"); T1=80; //temp.of liquid nitrgen,K T2=230; //temp of chamber walls,K D1=0.00635; //outer diameter of steel, m D2=0.0127; //diameter of 2nd steel tube, m e1=0.2 ; //emissivity 0f steel x=poly([0],'x'); //the nitrogen coolant will hold the surface of the line at essentially 80 K, since the thermal ressistance of tube wall and int. convection or boiling process are small. Qgain=%pi*D1*e1*5.67*10^-8*(T2^4-T1^4); // net heat gain of line per unit length,W/m //with the shield , assuming that the chamber area is large compared to the shielded line. Qgain1=%pi*D1*5.67*10^-8*(T2^4-T1^4)/(((1-e1)/e1+1)+D1/D2*(2*(1-e1)/e1+1)); //net heat gain with shield,W/m s=(Qgain-Qgain1)/Qgain*100; //rate of heat gain reducton in percentage x=roots(%pi*D2*e1*5.67*10^-8*(T2^4-x^4)-Qgain1); printf("\t net heat gain of line per unit length is :%.3f W/m\n",Qgain); printf("\t rate of heat gain reducton is :%.0f percent \n",s); printf("\t temp. of the shield is : %.0f C\n",x(4)); //end