clear; clc; printf("\t Example 1.4\n"); h=250; //Heat Transfer Coefficient, W/(m^2*K) k=45; // Thermal Conductivity, W/(m*K) c=0.18; //Heat Capacity, kJ/(kg*K) a=9300; //density, kg/m^3 T1=200; //temperature, C D=0.001; //diameter of bead, t1 =0:0.1:5; T=200-180*exp(-t1/((a*c*D*1e3)/(6*h))); plot(t1,T); xtitle("Thermocouple response to a hot gas flow","time,t1 sec","temperature,T C"); Bi = h*(0.001/2)/45; //biot no. printf("The value of Biot no for this thermocouple is %f",Bi); printf("\n Bi is <0.1 and hence the thermocouple could be considered as a lumped heat capacity system and the assumption taken is valid.\n"); //End