//(7.8) Suppose the system of Example 4.10 is one option under consideration for utilizing the combustion products discharged from an industrial process. (a) Develop a full accounting of the net exergy carried in by the combustion products. (b) Discuss the design implications of the results. //solution //variable initialization m1dot = 69.78 //in kg/s p1 = 1 //in bar T1 = 478 //in kelvin T2 = 400 //in kelvin p2 = 1 //in bar p3 = .275 //in Mpa T3 = 38.9 //in degree celcius m3dot = 2.08 //in kg/s T4 = 180 //in degree celcius p4 = .275 //in Mpa p5 = .07 //in bar x5 = .93 Wcvdot = 876.8 //in kW T0 = 298 //in kelvin //part(a) //from table A-22 h1 = 480.35 //in kj/kg h2 = 400.97 //in kj/kg s1 = 2.173 //in kj/kg s2 = 1.992 //in kj/kg netRE = m1dot*(h1-h2-T0*(s1-s2-(8.314/28.97)*log(p1/p2))) //the net rate exergy carried into the control volume //from table A-2E h3 = 162.82 //in kj/kg s3 = .5598 //in kj/kg.k //Using saturation data at 0.07 bars from Table A-3 h5 = 2403.27 //in kj/kg s5 = 7.739 //in kj/kg.k netREout = m3dot*(h5-h3-T0*(s5-s3)) //the net rate exergy carried out by the water stream //from table A-4 h4 = 2825 //in kj/kg s4 = 7.2196 //in kj/kg.k //from an exergy rate balance applied to a control volume enclosing the steam generator Eddot = netRE + m3dot*(h3-h4-T0*(s3-s4)) //the rate exergy is destroyed in the heat-recovery steam generator //from an exergy rate balance applied to a control volume enclosing the turbine EdDot = -Wcvdot + m3dot*(h4-h5-T0*(s4-s5)) //the rate exergy is destroyed in the tpurbine printf('balance sheet') printf('\nNet rate of exergy in:\t%f',netRE) printf('\nDisposition of the exergy:') printf('\n• Rate of exergy out') printf('\npower developed\t%f',1772.8-netREout-Eddot-EdDot) printf('\nwater stream\t%f',netREout) printf('\n• Rate of exergy destruction') printf('\nheat-recovery steam generator\t%f',Eddot) printf('\nturbine\t%f',EdDot)