//(14.2) One kilomole of carbon monoxide, CO, reacts with .5kmol of oxygen, O2, to form an equilibrium mixture of CO2, CO, and O2 at 2500 K and (a) 1 atm, (b) 10 atm. Determine the equilibrium composition in terms of mole fractions //solution //Applying conservation of mass, the overall balanced chemical reaction equation is //CO + .5O2 -------> zCO + (z/2)O2 + (1-z)CO2 //At 2500 K, Table A-27 gives log10K = -1.44 K = 10^log10K //equilibrium constant //part(a) p = 1 //in atm //solving equation K = (z/(1-z))*(2/(2 + z))^.5 *(p/1)^.5 gives z = .129 yCO = 2*z/(2 + z) yO2 = z/(2 + z) yCO2 = 2*(1 - z)/(2 + z) printf('part(a) mole fraction of CO is: %f',yCO) printf('\nmole fraction of O2 is: %f',yO2) printf('\nmole fraction of CO2 is: %f',yCO2) //part(b) p = 10 //in atm //solving equation K = (z/(1-z))*(2/(2 + z))^.5 *(p/1)^.5 gives z = .062 yCO = 2*z/(2 + z) yO2 = z/(2 + z) yCO2 = 2*(1 - z)/(2 + z) printf('\n\npart(b) mole fraction of CO is: %f',yCO) printf('\nmole fraction of O2 is: %f',yO2) printf('\nmole fraction of CO2 is: %f',yCO2)