//(13.13) Steam at 5 bar, 240C leaks from a line in a vapor power plant. Evaluate the flow exergy of the steam, in kJ/kg, relative to an environment at 25C, 1 atm in which the mole fraction of water vapor is yeH2O = 0.0303 //solution Rbar = 8.314 //universal gas constant in SI units Tnot = 298 //in kelvin //With data from the steam tables h = 2939.9 //in kj/kg hnot = 104.9 //in kj/kg s = 7.2307 //in kj/kg snot = .3674 //in kj/kg //With data from Table A-25 gbarH2Oliq = -237180 gbarH2Ogas = -228590 yeH2O = .0303 M =18 //molar mass of steam ech = (1/M)*(gbarH2Oliq-gbarH2Ogas + Rbar*Tnot*log(1/yeH2O)) //in kj/kg ef = h-hnot-Tnot*(s-snot) + ech //in kj/kg printf(' the flow exergy of the steam, in kJ/k is: %f',ef)