//to find the mean,standard deviation, probable error and range clc; x=[41.7 42 41.8 42 42.1 41.9 42 41.9 42.5 41.8]; X=sum(x); disp(X); d=[-.27 .03 -.17 .03 .13 -.07 .03 -.07 .53 -.17]; d_2=sum(d^2); n=10; disp(X/n,'mean length(deg C)'); disp(sqrt(d_2/n),'standard deviation(if data is infinite)(deg C)'); disp(sqrt(d_2/(n-1)),'standard deviation(deg C)'); r1=.6745*sqrt(d_2/(n-1)); disp(r1,'probable error of 1 reading(deg C)'); disp(r1/sqrt(n-1),'probable error of mean(deg C)'); disp(max(x)-min(x),'range(deg C)');