//consider a rocket engine burning hydrogen and oxygen. Po=25*1.01*10^5;//pressure at combustion chamber(N/m^2) To=3517;//temperature of combustion chamber(K) A=0.1;//area of rocket nozzle(m^2) Pe=1.1855*10^3;//exit pressure(N/m^2) at standard altitude of 30 Km y=1.22;//specific heat ratio of the gas mixture g=9.8; M=16;//Molecular weight of gas mixture Ru=8314;//universal gas constant(J/Kg.K) R=8314/16 //specicific gas constant for this mixture //specific impulse Isp: Isp=sqrt(2*y*Ru*To*[1-(Pe/Po)^((y-1)/y)]/((y-1)*M))/g //mass flow through engine(Kg/s): Mdot=(Po*A/sqrt(To))*sqrt(y*(2/(y+1))^((y+1)/(y-1)) /R) Te=To*(Pe/Po)^((y-1)/y) //exit temperature in Kelvin Cp=y*R/(y-1) //specific heat at constant pressure for the gas mixture Ve=sqrt(2*Cp*(To-Te)) //velocity at exit of exhaust gas(m/s) De=Pe/(R*Te) //exit density(Kg/m^3)