//Assume the flow to be isentropic P=1.013*10^5; //free-stream pressure,N/m^2 V=804.7*5/18; //free-stream velocity,m/s D=1.23; //density,Kg/m^3 Pa=0.7167*10^5; //pressure at a point on airfoil R=287 ;//gas constant,J/Kg.K y=1.4; //specific heat ratio for air T=P/(D*R) //free stream temperature a=sqrt(y*R*T)//speed of sound at free stream temperature M=V/a //free stream mach no. To=T*(1+(y-1)*M^2/2) //free stream total temperature Po=P*(1+(y-1)*M^2/2)^(y/(y-1)) //free stream total pressure Poa=Po;//since the total presssure remains same inisentropic flow Toa=To;//since the total temperature remains same inisentropic flow