pathname=get_absolute_file_path('6_4b.sce') filename=pathname+filesep()+'6_4b_data.sci' exec(filename) clf(); V=linspace(40,300,500); i = 1; Cl = 0;Cd = 0;Cl_Cd =0;Thrust = 0; while(i<=length(V)) Cl(i) = 2*W/(D*S*V(i)^2); Cd(i) = Cdo + Cl(i)^2/(%pi*e*AR); Cl_Cd(i) = Cl(i)/Cd(i); Thrust(i) = W/Cl_Cd(i)/1000;//unit KN Power(i)=Thrust(i)*V(i)//unit KN-m/s Pa(i)=D*Tf*V(i)/(Do*1000);//power(KN-m/s) at height 6706.5 m corresponding to velocity i = i+1; end xlabel("Velocity (m/s)"); ylabel("Power (KN-m/s)"); plot2d(V,Power,4); plot2d(V,Pa,5); disp("As we can see the higher intersection point of both curve is arround 294m/s(approx),which is the maximum velocity for CJ-1 at 6705.6 meter.")