clear; clc; printf("\n Example 7.2"); //The slurry contains 100kg whiting/m^3 of water printf("\n Volume of 100 kg whiting = %f m^3",100/3000); printf("\n Volume of cake = %f m^3",0.0333/0.6); printf("\n Volume of liquid in cake = %f m^3",0.05556*0.4); printf("\n Volume of filtrate = %.3f m^3",(1-0.0222)); printf("\n volume of cake/volume of filtrate v = %f",0.0556/0.978); A = 10^(-4); //area in sq meters deltaP = -1.65*10^(5); //P is in pascals l = 0.01; //length is in meters vol_flow_rate = 2*10^(-8); //Volume flow rate is in m^3/sec u = 10^(-3); //vicosity is in Ns/m^2 r = poly([0],'r'); r1 = roots((10^4)*(2*10^(-8)*r)-1.65*10^(5)/(10^(-5))); printf("\n r = %.2f*10^(13)/m^2",r1*10^(-13)); function[Lopt]=optimum() Lopt = 1.161*10^(-3)*(900)^(0.5); //t = 900 secs funcprot(0); endfunction printf("\n optimum frame thickness = %.1f mm",2*optimum()*1000); //total cycle time = 1.015L^2 + 900 //rate of cake production R = L/(1.015L^2 + 900) L = poly([0],'L'); L1 = roots(1.025*10^(6)*L^2 + 900 - 2.050*10^(6)*L^2); printf("\n Frame thickness = %.2f mm",2*L1(1)*10^3);