clear; clc; printf("\n Example 11.12"); R = [0.85 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0]; //Reflux ratio xd = 0.75; //top concentration of alcohol xs = [0.55 0.50 0.37 0.20 0.075 0.05];//From the graph fig.11.35 page-596 Db(1) = 0; printf("\n R Fi xs Db "); i=1; while i<=6 Fi(i) = xd/(R(i) + 1); if i>1 then Db(i) = 100*(xs(1)-xs(i))/(xd-xs(i)); end printf("\n %.2f %.3f %.2f %.1f",R(i),Fi(i),xs(i),Db(i)); i=i+1; end plot(R,Db); xtitle("","Reflux ratio(R)","Product Db (kmol)"); printf("\n The area under the Db vs R curve is given by 96 kmol"); Hav = 4000; //average latent heat in kJ/kmol Qr = 96*Hav/1000; printf("\n Heat to be supplied to provide the reflux,Qr is approximately %.1f MJ",Qr); printf("\n Heat to be supplied to provide the reflux per kmol of product is then %.2f MJ",380/71.4); printf("\n Total heat = %.2f MJ/kmol product",5.32+4.0);